Creating a better tomorrow by investing in today.

The Greater Manchester Low Carbon Fund has been launched by the Greater Manchester Combined Authority and is managed by real estate advisory service Avison Young.

£15m has been allocated to the 15-year fund, to promote the production and distribution of energy derived from renewable resources. The fund will be allocated to projects that would not attract traditionally commercial finance due to the new technology involved, or projects that would be improved through the Low Carbon Fund’s expertise. It can invest up to 50% of eligible costs and investment repaid by projects will be recycled into further projects across the Greater Manchester region.

ELENA fund

The Greater Manchester Low Carbon Fund will work closely with the Greater Manchester European Local Energy Assistance (ELENA) fund, managed by the Combined Authority, that provides grant funding to support development costs for projects that deliver savings in energy consumption and carbon emissions.

The ELENA Fund can provide assistance for upfront project costs with the Low Carbon Fund providing commercial investment.


15 years

Funding is designed to suit the project, and timescales are flexible.

The fund


The fund is targeting investments between £1million and £3million, although other investments will be considered.